Damien talks about his day, what he has learnt and where he has learnt it. From listening to an audio book by Robert Kiyosaki while in the gym, to doing an online course, working in his own business, finding information from mentors and watching the movie “The Big Short”. He considers his options of a a career or being an entrepreneur, the benefits of working in an international organisation for the overseas experience with the possible bureaucracy but with the benefits or working for a small organisation without the benefits but having the autonomy to deliver value for the business and its customers or clients by value adding to the product or services. He also mentions his learning about volunteering and giving back to the community. Damien also mentions his starting a new job working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander / Indigenous businesses.
All posts by damienfoley
20190908a- Relationships
Damien catches up with a friend for coffee and discusses the importance of scheduling time with family and friends outside of work and study. The importance of talking with your partner about your time commitment to study and how that will work. This leads into time management for everyday activities as gym, groceries, cleaning, cooking etc.
20190907a- Queen Victoria Markets
Damien goes to do his grocery shopping for the week at QV Markets. He does a walk through of the various areas of QV Markets such as the delicatessen, seafood, meat butchers, food court, fruit and vegetables, clothing and art and gifts sections. He also talks about Fake Art Harms #FakeArtHarms which is to prevent the sale of not authentic aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander / Indigenous art and craft.
20190906a- Moving To Melbourne
Damien talks about what he learnt from his move to Melbourne from Brisbane. He talks about what to wear for the winter for both business and general wear. He talks about the great public transport including using the free trams and the Myki cards. He talks about where he lives and what to look for in renting for the weather. He talks about the QV Markets and the various culture and arts festivals that happen in the city. He finishes with his search for great coffee to find the style of coffee he likes.
20190905b- Careers with an MBA
Damien talks about his discussion with Careers at Melbourne Business School. with a background in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander / Indigenous business and his career in accounting and consulting, his interests in social procurement and working with social enterprise. He finds out the difference in the value placed upon the MBA by Australian and International companies. Damien also talks about his involvement as a mentor for undergraduates at University of Queensland and QUT and why he wants to continue this as a mentor here in Melbourne.
20190905a- Enrolment and Pre Course Subjects
Enrolment and Pre Course Subjects- Damien talks about completing his enrolment into the MBA and the pre course subjects to be done at the start of the program, ‘Leadership’ and ‘Social Responsibility’. He also talk about the other compulsory subjects he will need to do of ‘Managing People’ and ‘Data Analysis’, when he will receive his student card, student concession and accessing other University of Melbourne facilities as the 1888 Building for the Graduate Students Association.
20190904a- The Letter of Offer and Enrolment
Damien talks about his Letter of Offer and enrolment into the MBA at Melbourne Business school. He talks about the 5 steps of enrolling, though he is currently up to step 3, enrolling into the subjects where he will have a meeting after this video about the subjects. He also talks about where he identifies in the enrolment process that he is Aboriginal as part of the Cultural Details section of the enrolment.
20190903b- The application process
Damien discusses the application form he needed to complete for the MBA. He talks about having to provide his resume, academic transcripts, proof of identity and citizenship, short answer questions and referees and their references.
20190903a Why I decided to do the MBA at Melbourne Business School
Damien discusses why he is doing the MBA, why he chose Melbourne Business School to do it with and why he chose the part-time MBA. He also talks about his interest in Social and Indigenous Procurement and how he applied for scholarships for the MBA at Melbourne Business School.
How I Lost 18Kg By Eating An Elephant (Part 4 of 4)
“Part 2 How I Lost 18Kg By Eating An Elephant”
“Part 3 How I Lost 18Kg By Eating An Elephant”
- Without the Why, you can’t start to work out the How and When for What. If you don’t know the How and When or not certain about What, then you need Who.
- Your body is going to feel the changes you make. I started to feel a little tired and run down when I first started because my body wasn’t used to it. Stay committed.
- No body is perfect. I chose a long term outcome, which means I can have a soft drink/beer or a meal of steak and chips with gravy or a slice of pizza. I just have it once a month or so. I don’t jog every morning, but I try to be consistent and go each morning that I can. I was aware that come Christmas, I would eat more than I should and eat things I shouldn’t. But I will make sure I will go back to my improved eating habit afterwards.
- Use your doctor; dietitian; expert regularly to help track your outcomes if you have special eating or exercise needs. They are one of your experts to support you through this.
- I only looked at the scales once a month to track my weight loss. I would go crazy looking at it every day or week, as I was going for long term outcomes. I was only losing 3kg per month any way so it would only move gradually.
- My clothes and looking at myself in the mirror were also an indicator to me. I started to notice clothes that were a snug fit starting to be loose. I started to notice my stomach was not as bulging and changes in my body shape. I started to feel tighter muscles in areas I was working out on.
- Take a Before Photo. Including with only your underwear on. I didn’t and as a result I only have some old photo’s to compare. You will be able to see the difference yourself from where people comment on how you have changed. Also take some measurements. My measurements are from when I went to buy clothes.
- You’re going to feel better. From exercising and improving my eating habits I feel far better!
- Don’t under estimate the benefits of Water!
Outcomes From Doing This
I have found now that with exercising, eating better and drinking water I feel better. The exercise creates the endorphin for the pleasure feeling. The water is cleansing to the system and refreshing after exercising. Eating lighter and healthier meals I don’t feel as heavy in the stomach after eating, especially after dinner when I am not as active.
There Is No Perfect Body Shape
Don’t obsess the body beautiful. We are all different, we all have our own unique body shape. So don’t become focused on having the perfect body. The real beauty is not in the body, but in a persons heart and soul!
My goal was to lose weight so I put in place how I was going to do it using why as the reason and the help of who. Now I have reached 75kg the why and how is going to change slightly as I move from weight loss to muscle toning and defining.
When I started to lose weight I didn’t say anything to anyone as it was a personal goal. When I had lost 12kg after 4 months it became noticeable and I was asked if I was losing weight or if I was ill. I told people that I had lost weight. People wanted to know how. So this is why I am writing this article. I am writing it not because I want everyone to know I have lost it, but to let people know how I did it, beginning with Why, so it can help them achieve their goal.
Body Mass Index (BMI)
A way to gauge if you are the right weight for your height is using the Body Mass Index. This is only a gauge as different body shapes will have different characteristics that will affect the outcome. For example, a short muscular person will show as overweight. So use it to help you work out what you need to do.
You can use the following BMI calculators at Heart Foundation Australia or Better Health Victoria.